Resources for Spiritual Entrepreneurs
from The Sparkling Hippie
I like to think of this as my brag page. I wouldn't be half as inspired or motivated if it weren't for these books, blogs and podcasts who have been shaping my mind for many years. I highly recommend and endorse every item on this list, that is why it is there!
*FYI: Some of the links are affiliates.
Resources From The Sparkling Hippie
Resources For Online Business Owners
If I had a “Secret Weapon” this would be it.
These Legal Templates for Entrepreneurs are so easy to use! She has customizable legal contracts for all sorts of things; including…
My favorite online Business Membership + Community.
A full library and active community with alllll your biz basics!
Husband and wife team who encourages you to “walk your business” rather than run it.
Build your business around your desired lifestyle, not the other way around.
I’ve tried lots of course hosting platforms over the years. Teachery is my favorite because it is easy, simple, beautiful digital course creation and hosting. Free when you join WAIM (see Wandering Aimfully for more info).
ActiveCampaigns is my go-to, easy-to-use email service provider with loads of integration, funnels, and everything you need!
Hands down, my number one recommendation for website creation. So simple anyone can do it. Empower yourself!
Loom is my favorite way to meet with people, without meeting with people. :) I also use it often for recording course videos and other digital content.
The best FREE mail service provider. Free up until 2000 contacts - so if you’re new, this baby is your new bestie.
I love how simple she makes online business! Sarah’s membership “Dare to Grow” is all about helping you feel confident online and around social media. I highly recommend her Pinterest Powerhouse course!
Things to enjoy while working…
The best loose-leaf tea boutique. :) Great service, great selections and the ship all over the world!
RockyMountain Serenitea. My mom and I found this little gem hidden in the small town of Estes Park, CO. I highly recommend their Versailles Lavender Earl Grey!
My favorite herbal tea dealer. ROT has eco-friendly teabags and the best selection of herbal teas around.
The cutest, boldest and most durable handbags — from a brand that’s all about empowering women! Yes please.
Transformative Coaches I Highly Recommend
I’ve worked with dozens of coaches over the years. When people ask who the most transformative is, I don’t hesitate to share my friend Sherry Lukey with them. She is an EFT specialist who emphasizes on clearing trauma from the subconscious mind. I recommend her services for ANYTHING that is holding you back. {{Please let her know that I referred you.}}
Creativity + Intuitive Art Supplies
My favorite go-to place for AFFORDABLE art supplies. Lower the pressure with these fun and budget-friendly supplies.
A few of my self care faves
My favorite online yoga teacher training. Get your Yoga Teacher Certification online in a fabulous community of authentic yogis. They are very hands on and have lots of live classes.
Use the code “HaleyHoover” for 20% off!
Make up and cosmetics don’t help if you aren’t first taking care of your SKIN. Your face is the first thing people see. I’ve known, used and studied MK since I was 18. It’s the highest quality skincare products with EU standards (higher than all US eco standards). Plus, it feels amazing to pamper yourself 2x daily.
My recommendation? Start with the Timewise Miracle Set. You’ll be amazed.
My Favorite Authenticity Journals
My favorite journal for enhancing creativity. A creative guide to authenticity by Caroline Zook. Very fun!
I love everything about this journal. It is the most beautiful book/journal I’ve ever owned. Dreamy Moons did a great job of creating this. Plus very helpful tips on how to manifest!
Some of My Favorite Books of All Time
…for spiritual business women
Success Mindset
As a Man Thinketh - James Allen
Pyscho-Cybernetics - Dr. Maxwell Maltz
Creativity and Art
Creative Pep Talk Podcast - Andy J. Pizza
Whenever I need a kick in the pants, this is the first place I go to. Andy is not only like barging in on your twelve-year old self at a slumber party, but he is also hilariously inspiring, encouraging and tactical in how to be a creative business owner. Highly recommend.Life, Paint and Passion, Michelle Cassou
Morning Glory on the Vine, Joni Mitchell
The Short Story of Art, Susie Hodge
Find Your Artistic Voice, Lisa Congdon
Living Color, Natalie Goldberg
Art Healing + Expressive Art Therapy
Art + Healing, Barbara Ganim
Brave Intuitive Painting, Flora Bowley
On Writing
Writing Down the Bones, Natalie Goldberg
The Writing Life, Julia Cameron (Audible book)
Zen Howl, Natalie Goldberg (Audible)
Intuition + Spirituality
Walking in this World, Julia Cameron
Identity & Self-Actualization
You are a Badass - Jen Sincero
This book was so tactical that I keep going back to see what I underlined. Jen is full of life success tips and her writing style is so easy to read I felt like I was gabbing with my friends on the phone! Here's my full book review if you want to learn more.
Your Brightest Life Journal - Caroline Kelso Zook
I've followed Caroline for years! She is literally the most genuine and vulnerable blogger than I know. Her newsletters and blog posts are seriously helpful for soulful creatives who want to live more purposefully.
A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It - Kamal Ravikant
Trust, Iyanla Vanzant
Stop Saying You're Fine - Mel Robbins
Brazenly Beautiful, Haley Hoover
XOSarah - Sarah Morgan
My first blogging role-model and also my most influential! Sarah has been in the blogging biz for years! She teaches a "no-BS blog strategy for the daring and driven." Literally anything you read on her site will be helpful. Guaranteed.279 Days to Overnight Success - Chris Guillebeau
A great read for anyone who wants to learn more about the blogging industry and how to really get started as an unconventional business success.
**This list still building and is updated regularly. Check back for more updates soon!