How to get Greater Success in online Business
If you’re searching the web for the answer to this question, you’ll most likely find loads of articles pointing you to strategy hacks, high-performing software, maybe even an insurance quote or two pops up.
The problem with all of these things is that they address the symptom, not the root of the problem, which is far deeper than “you need more traffic to your homepage.”
Quantum Physics tells us that absolutely everything on this earth is energy. Teeny tiny microscopic particles make up everything you see, and don’t see. The keyboard near your fingers, the wind in your hair, even the thoughts in your head are all made up of tiny energetic particles.
When we understand that everything is energy we can then understand that business is energy too.
The words you use on your sales page have energy behind them.
The way you go live on social media sends energy to your clients.
The pictures on your website have energy.
Everything in your business is made up of energy -- especially online, because much of what we don’t see is still there. You may feel like the clients aren’t coming fast enough and that it’s definitely the algorithm’s fault, but look closer, think deeper, and you’ll notice that yes, everything is energy. Perhaps your energy is off. Perhaps your energy isn’t connecting with your ideal client’s energy. There are a thousand and one reasons why your business may not be growing as fast as you want it to, but rest assured these are all energetic problems. Yes, even the algorithm is made up of energy.
So how do we get more success in your online business? We start by going under the surface and looking at your unique energy as it relates to success.
How to attract the energy of success
We attract more success by feeling more success in our present state. This means celebrating your wins -- big and small -- to signal to the universe that you want more of that. When was the last time you showed gratitude to the software who makes your online business possible? Be grateful for Zoom, Calendly and all the other tools you use to make your life easier.
Attracting success happens in the small bits throughout our day to day. Are you moving your body in between calls or are you stiff and sore by the end of the day? Are you feeling good when you post content or does it feel forced and stuffy? What you put out, you get back, my friend!
Things you must do to be successful in online business
Increase your success mindset.
We all have a threshold for how much success we believe we deserve. When we hit that threshold we energetically block more abundance from flowing to us. Rather than repeat this pattern again and again in your online business, why not invest some time and energy in building up the mentality you need to be successful.
Release old, stagnant energy that no longer serves you
Last week I had an Intuitive Art Experience session with a client who wanted to make more money in her online business. She’d been an entrepreneur for 12 years and had found her income to be at a plateau. She asked what she needed to do to make more money and the canvas revealed that she needed to lean into more joy in her life. Skeptical but committed, she focused on joy for just five days! Less than a week after our coaching session, she hit her first-ever $25,000 day in business! What did she shift? Her energy.
Feel good as often as possible
Like attracts like. What you put out, you get back ten-fold. So why not put out excited, aligned, abundant energy? When you write emails how do you feel? Guess what -- your clients will feel that too.
Follow your intuition
Your intuition is your single most important skill for success. Richard Branson, Oprah, Alicia Keys, Graham Nash and Brian Wilson are just a few highly successful people who have pointed to intuition as the secret-sauce to their success and joy. Do you know how to lean-in to your own intuition? If not, why not try a session where we uncover your intuition’s guidance together?
Express yourself authentically
Everything is energy, yes? Like a used car salesman in a parking lot, your audience can smell dog poo a mile away. When you are putting on a front or trying to be something or someone that you really aren’t, you are putting off an inauthentic energy. Ask yourself, do you want to work with someone who is phony? Do you want to work with someone who doesn’t feel comfortable in their own skin? Try being yourself and see what happens.
You May be Keeping Yourself From More Success
Last but not least, it’s most important to dig under the surface and take a look at your own success mindset. Here is the subconscious mind, which is like the 80% of the iceberg you don’t see. Yes, you may be supporting the algorithm and doing everything by the marketing book, but you’re still not successful because your own subconscious fears are getting in the way.
Most of the time we don’t notice these things for ourself. You may have some level of awareness after reading the following, however, I highly recommend seeking out a professional to hold space for you to explore the depths of your success mindset and where it is lacking. If you’d like to learn more about how I can do that for you, click here.
Here are 3 Ways You May be Keeping Yourself From Experiencing More Success
Often times we are our own biggest enemy. Our sub-conscious mind likes to play victim and keep ourselves small so we will stay safe. If you don’t go big towards you dreams you can’t experience failure, right?
Here are a few reasons why our subconscious enjoys keeping us aligned with a victim mentality:
We enjoy the attention we get when we tell people the “poor me” story about why our creative dreams aren’t realistic.
We feel safe in our comfort zone. “No one can make fun of me if I’m not putting myself out there.”
We are avoiding the act of taking respon- sibility of our own life and outcomes. If we don’t take responsibility, we can con- tinue to blame others.
In what ways have you been keeping yourself small?
Grab the free companion guide
I’ve included my favorite journaling prompts to go alongside this post, so you can go deeper, sooner.
A huge factor in sabotaging our own passionate intentions is that we don’t believe in our own success. In fact, we feel that our dreams are incredibly unrealistic and we shut them down before we so much as utter a word of the great big idea we’ve come up with!
We make excuses like, “that’ll never work”, “I’m not smart enough,” and “this isn’t good enough.” Therefore we shut our- selves down before we even think about taking action.
Why do we talk ourselves out of our creative ideas before we give them a chance to see the light of day?
We’re scared of failure.
We’re scared of success.
We’re afraid of commitment.
We’re afraid of what others will think.
We know we can’t get it perfect on the first try so we don’t even want to attempt it.
Often times our own mind can be our biggest enemy. Can you think of a time when you’ve witnessed this in your own journey?
Many creatives deal with the same types of fears as other creatives. These fears often take hold of our passions and swallow any sparkle we once had. It takes a lot of patience and work to burst through these blocks that are creating a chasm between you and your desires.
I call these “The 5 Creativity Killers” which are:
1. Perfectionism
2. Not feeling “good enough”
3. Judgement
4. Rejection
5. People-pleasing
Which of these fears do you struggle with the most?
How to stay in alignment with success
It’s important to know that we aren’t promised time on this planet. None of us can count on tomorrow, much less a year from now.
You’re a smart woman. So why are you wasting time feeling less than your best?
I believe with all my heart that you were meant for the desires you crave. Otherwise those desires wouldn’t be there.
With that truth, I also believe that you won’t be fulfilled and present with your life until you step into those desires, by stepping into the woman you were designed to be. This means owning your mindset and energetics for what they are and taking necessary steps to improve them, so that they hum to the tune of success, naturally and easily.
Ask yourself: How do you want your life to feel, one year from today?
If you’re ready for something new, aligned, fulfilled and abundant, I suggest you get started. Your life and your limited time are the two most precious gifts you have. Without those aligned with joy, nothing else in your life will be either. Let’s go.
Download the accompanying PDF to this post and get specific journaling prompts to help you dive deeper into your own success wells. (This is my free gift to you.)
Dive Deeper into your Success Consciousness
I’ve put together specific journaling prompts to help you dive deeper into your own success wells.
(This is my free gift to you.)
See your way to your next $100k
Curious about what’s really holding you back from increased income? In less than an hour, you can shift old energy out and begin attracting greater success.
(My last client hit her first $25k day in business just five days after our session.)